How to use cyberlink powerdirector 12
How to use cyberlink powerdirector 12

how to use cyberlink powerdirector 12
  1. How to use cyberlink powerdirector 12 install#
  2. How to use cyberlink powerdirector 12 download#

If above steps still cannot solve your issue, continue with the following troubleshooting steps:

how to use cyberlink powerdirector 12

Note: The CyberLink Cleaner Tool does not entirely remove a CyberLink program, but helps resolve the installation issues.

  • Double click on " CLCleaner-PowerDirector _12.0.exe" to run the tool.
  • Unzip the downloaded CyberLink Cleaner Tool, which has a file name that is similar to " CLCleaner-PowerDirector".
  • Note: Skip this step if you encountered error during the un-installation.
  • Remove CyberLink PowerDirector version 12 and previous version from Control Panel before using the cleaner tool:ġ) Quit the PowerDirector programs, if it is running.Ģ) In Control Panel, open Add or Remove Programs.ģ) Select CyberLink PowerDirector from the list of currently installed programs, then click Remove.Ĥ) After the program is uninstalled, restart your computer.
  • The following steps will guide you through the use of the CyberLink Cleaner Tool, which can help resolve CyberLink program installation issues.

    Download CLCleaner tool for PowerDirector 9 or earlier versions.Download CLCleaner tool for PowerDirector 10.Download CLCleaner tool for PowerDirector 11.Download CLCleaner tool for PowerDirector 12.OK, now you are ready to download CLCleaner tool for CyberLink PowerDirector. To fix this, use CLCleaner-PowerDirector_12.0.exe

    Scenario 2: You were unsuccessfully able to install the "full or patch version" of CyberLink PowerDirector 12. Scenario 1: If you can’t to install an "upgrade version" of PowerDirector 12, you should use CLCleaner-PowerDirector_11.0.exe or CLCleaner2-PowerDirector_10.exe., depending on which previous version of PowerDirector you have installed (are upgrading from). Follow the below guidelines to determine which version of CLCleaner you should use.

    how to use cyberlink powerdirector 12

    You should use the correct version of CLCleaner to resolve these installation issues. Note that there are two common installation issues you may face. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid. Verify that the source exists and you can access it. The installation source for this product is not available. A fatal error occurred during installation.

  • Error: The product definition file lost.
  • The error messages listed below may occur during installation, and can be resolved with the CyberLink Cleaner Tool: CyberLink has a cleaner tool that can resolve most of the installation issues you may face.

    How to use cyberlink powerdirector 12